Achieve your ambitions through online learning

Privacy Policy Goals and Aims

Robust Data Protection and Privacy Practices

We are dedicated to ensuring the highest level of privacy and data protection. This section outlines our comprehensive approach to collecting, using, and protecting personal information. It serves as a guarantee of our commitment to privacy, detailing the measures we take to secure your data and respect your privacy rights.

1. Your Information Portfolio

When you create an account, Organization collects personal information such as your email address, date of birth, gender, profile photo, as well as those preferences that you enter into the Service.

2. The Mechanics of Your Data Use

We will only use your personal information in the following ways:

  • when it is necessary for our legitimate interests:
    • to enable us to supply you with the products and services and information that you have requested
    • to help us in the development of, and to improve our products and services
    • to provide you with information about products or services that may be of interest to you, using the email address which you have provided or via social media
    • to invite you to participate in market research activities, such as responding to interview questions or completing online surveys
    • to send you marketing communications, and show you marketing communications on other websites (including social media sites where you are a member)
    • to ensure that content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and your computer
    • to automatically collect data about visitors to our site (for example browsing patterns) by using cookies
    • to maintain our website and ensure network and information security
    • to prevent and detect fraud and other criminal offences
  • as long as, in each case, these interests are in line with applicable law and your legal rights and freedoms; or
  • where you have agreed to this for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; or
  • where this is necessary for legal obligations which apply to us.


We may contact you for marketing purposes relating to our products and services and our website, unless you let us know that you do not want to receive marketing communications. We will only contact you for these marketing purposes by electronic means (email or SMS) where you have agreed to this. Your agreement to the use of your personal information for these purposes is optional and if you decline to provide your agreement, your visit to and use of the website will not be affected.

Marketing opt out: you are entitled to opt out from receipt of marketing communications at any time and free of charge by using the contact details provided in this Privacy Policy or by using the “unsubscribe” option included in any marketing e-mail received from us.

Market research

If contacting you to invite you to participate in market research projects, such as questionnaires or interviews, we will only use your personal data for the purpose of the specific project to which you have consented. That personal data will, once the project has been completed, be removed from our systems (see retention below).

3. Data Security with Third Parties

Users are encouraged to contribute their thoughts, opinions, reviews, and other forms of feedback about our organization and website. By submitting content, users agree to undergo a moderation process. We hold the authority to decline, edit, or remove any content that does not meet our standards of appropriateness, including but not limited to content that is illegal, offensive, slanderous, or violates the rights of others or public policy.

4. Safeguarding User Information

  • The Company is committed to protecting personal information which it collects.
  • The Company adopts the requirements of the APP as reflected in this policy.
  • The Company will only collect:
    • (a) personal information (including sensitive information):
    • (i) by lawful and fair means; and
    • (ii) from the individual to whom the information relates, unless the University is required or authorised by law to collect the information from another person;
    • (b) personal information (other than sensitive personal information) if:
    • (i) the information is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more of the Company’s functions or activities; or
    • (ii) the University is required to collect the information by, or is provided with, the personal information under, an Australian law; and
  • The Company will store personal information securely. The Company will take reasonable steps to protect personal information from misuse, interference, loss or unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
  • Access to personal information will only be provided to Company Council members, employees, contractors who require access to the information to undertake their role at the Company.

5. Web Links to Other Websites

Our websites feature links to various third-party websites. Should you choose to follow these links, be aware that these sites operate under their own privacy policies. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for these third-party privacy statements or practices. Please review their policies thoroughly before submitting any personal information to these websites.

6. Our Contact Us Page

If you need additional details or have any concerns about our Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us.

7. Cookies and Personalized Advertising

Cookies are used to enhance user experience by storing user preferences and to automatically log users into the site. The Policy concerning the use of cookies is detailed in the Cookies Policy page.

Technical details in connection with visits to this website are logged by an internet service provider for statistical purposes. No information is collected that could be used by us to identify website visitors. The technical details logged are confined to the following items:

  • the IP address of the visitor’s web server
  • the top-level domain name used (for example .ie, .com, .org, .net)
  • the previous website address from which the visitor reached us, including any search terms used
  • clickstream data which shows the traffic of visitors around this web site (for example pages accessed and documents downloaded)
  • the type of web browser used by the website visitor. company will make no attempt to identify individual visitors, or to associate the technical details listed above with any individual. It is the policy of company never to disclose such technical information in respect of individual website visitors to any third party (apart from an internet service provider, which records such data on behalf of company and which is bound by confidentiality provisions in this regard), unless obliged to disclose such information by a rule of law. The technical information will be used only by company, and only for statistical and other administrative purposes.

8. Data and Privacy Regulatory Compliance

We rigorously adhere to privacy laws to ensure your information is handled properly according to both national and international standards. Our practices are designed to safeguard your data, respecting the legal requirements and rights of individuals.